21 服務端 socket 開發之多線程和 gevent 框架並發測試[python 語言]
Python實戰-從菜鳥到大牛的進階之路 作者:極客學院 投票推薦 加入書簽 留言反饋
測試下多線程和 gevent 在 socket 服務端的小包表現能力,測試的方法不太嚴謹,有點屬於自娛自樂,要是有問題之處,請大家噴之!
每個連接都特意堵塞了 0.5 秒鍾!
圖片 21.1 pic
在大批量 tcp 測試下,threading 的開銷越來越大,所以造成了在並發數加大的情況下,出現 threading 崩潰的情況!gevent 是 libevent 和協程的融合,一個線程裏麵都可以跑超多的協程! 利用 libevent 做 io 堵塞的調度,gevent 體係下,同一時間隻有一個任務在運行!
先來測試下多線程: 我們就不加線程池了
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #xiaoruiimport sysimport socketimport timeimport threading #xiaoruidef threads(port): s = socket.socket s.bind((\''\'', port)) s.listen(500) while true:cli, addr = s.eptt = threading.thread(target=handle_request, args=(cli, time.sleep))t.daemon = truet.startdef handle_request(s, sleep): try:s.recv(1024)sleep(0.5) s.send(\''\''\''http/1.0 200 ok hello world! \''\''\'')s.shutdown(socket.shut_wr)print \''.\'', except exception, ex:print ex finally:sys.stdout.flushs.closeif __name__ == \''__main__\'': threads(4444) </pre>
用 threading 跑 socket,每個連接堵塞的時間是 0.5
time ab -n 10000 -c 500 is apachebench, version 2.3 <$revision: 655654 $>copyright 1996 adam twiss, zeus technology ltd, http://.zeustech/licensed to the apache software foundation, http://.apache.org/benchmarking (be patientpleted 1000 requestpleted 2000 requestpleted 3000 requestpleted 4000 requestpleted 5000 requestpleted 6000 requestpleted 7000 requestpleted 8000 requestpleted 9000 requestpleted 10000 requestsfinished 10000 requestsserver software:server hostname: port: 4444document path: /document length:0 bytesconcurrency level: 500time taken for tests: 11.123 secondplete requests: 10000failed requests:0write errors: 0total transferred: 470000 byteshtml transferred: 0 bytesrequests per second: 899.01 [#/sec] (mean)time per request: 556.166 [ms] (mean)time per request: 1.112 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)transfer rate: 41.26 [kbytes/sec] receivedconnection times (ms) min mean[+/-sd] median maxconnect:0 33 177.0 0 1000processing: 500 508 33.9 501 1132waiting: 500 508 33.9 501 1132total:500 541 201.8 501 2132percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 50% 501 66% 501 75% 502 80% 505 90% 522 95% 532 98% 1534 99% 1722 100% 2132 (longest request)real 0m11.145suser 0m0.210ssys 0m0.961s </pre>
圖片 21.2 pic
加到 800 的時候~
圖片 21.3 pic
#xiaoruiimport sysimport socketimport timeimport geventfrom gevent import socketdef server(port): s = socket.socket s.bind((\''\'', port)) s.listen(500) while true:cli, addr = s.eptgevent.spawn(handle_request, cli, gevent.sleep)def handle_request(s, sleep): try:data=s.recv(1024)sleep(0.5)s.send(\''\''\''http/1.0 200 ok hello world! this is xiaorui !!!\''\''\'')print datarequest_string = "get %s http/1.1rnhost: %srnrnserver: xiaoruin" %(\''index.html\'', \''\'') s.send(request_string)s.shutdown(socket.shut_wr)print \''.\'',‘be killed’ except exception, ex:print ex finally:s.closeif __name__ == \''__main__\'': server(7777) </pre>
gevent 跑 socket 服務:
並發數值是 500 的時候!
time ab -n 10000 -c 500 is apachebench, version 2.3 <$revision: 655654 $>copyright 1996 adam twiss, zeus technology ltd, http://.zeustech/licensed to the apache software foundation, http://.apache.org/benchmarking (be patientpleted 1000 requestpleted 2000 requestpleted 3000 requestpleted 4000 requestpleted 5000 requestpleted 6000 requestpleted 7000 requestpleted 8000 requestpleted 9000 requestpleted 10000 requestsfinished 10000 requestsserver software:server hostname: port: 7777document path: /document length:0 bytesconcurrency level: 500time taken for tests: 11.312 secondplete requests: 10000failed requests:0write errors: 0total transferred: 20000 byteshtml transferred: 0 bytesrequests per second: 884.04 [#/sec] (mean)time per request: 565.584 [ms] (mean)time per request: 1.131 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)transfer rate: 1.73 [kbytes/sec] receivedconnection times (ms) min mean[+/-sd] median maxconnect:0 44 202.7 0 1001processing: 500 513 10.1 511 707waiting: 500 513 10.1 511 707total:500 557 204.1 512 1525percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 50% 512 66% 515 75% 517 80% 519 90% 531 95% 552 98% 1521 99% 1523 100% 1525 (longest request)real 0m11.334suser 0m0.159ssys 0m0.730s </pre>
圖片 21.4 pic
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並發是 1000 的時候:
time ab -n 10000 -c 1000 is apachebench, version 2.3 <$revision: 655654 $>copyright 1996 adam twiss, zeus technology ltd, http://.zeustech/licensed to the apache software foundation, http://.apache.org/benchmarking (be patientpleted 1000 requestpleted 2000 requestpleted 3000 requestpleted 4000 requestpleted 5000 requestpleted 6000 requestpleted 7000 requestpleted 8000 requestpleted 9000 requestpleted 10000 requestsfinished 10000 requestsserver software:server hostname: port: 7777document path: /document length:0 bytesconcurrency level: 1000time taken for tests: 7.406 secondplete requests: 10000failed requests:0write errors: 0total transferred: 20000 byteshtml transferred: 0 bytesrequests per second: 1350.22 [#/sec] (mean)time per request: 740.623 [ms] (mean)time per request: 0.741 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)transfer rate: 2.64 [kbytes/sec] receivedconnection times (ms) min mean[+/-sd] median maxconnect:0 175 491.7 0 3000processing: 500 520 17.7 515 707waiting: 500 520 17.7 515 707total:500 695 492.5 517 3521percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 50% 517 66% 523 75% 538 80% 569 90% 1515 95% 1530 98% 1539 99% 3514 100% 3521 (longest request)real 0m7.428suser 0m0.208ssys 0m0.741s </pre>
當並發到 1500 的時候:
time ab -n 10000 -c 1500 is apachebench, version 2.3 <$revision: 655654 $>copyright 1996 adam twiss, zeus technology ltd, http://.zeustech/licensed to the apache software foundation, http://.apache.org/benchmarking (be patientpleted 1000 requestpleted 2000 requestpleted 3000 requestpleted 4000 requestpleted 5000 requestpleted 6000 requestpleted 7000 requestpleted 8000 requestpleted 9000 requestpleted 10000 requestsfinished 10000 requestsserver software:server hostname: port: 7777document path: /document length:0 bytesconcurrency level: 1500time taken for tests: 5.290 secondplete requests: 10000failed requests:0write errors: 0total transferred: 20000 byteshtml transferred: 0 bytesrequests per second: 1890.27 [#/sec] (mean)time per request: 793.536 [ms] (mean)time per request: 0.529 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)transfer rate: 3.69 [kbytes/sec] receivedconnection times (ms) min mean[+/-sd] median maxconnect:0 214 404.9 1 1003processing: 500 522 23.0 514 716waiting: 500 522 23.0 514 716total:500 736 406.7 520 1712percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 50% 520 66% 558 75% 602 80% 1506 90% 1526 95% 1531 98% 1535 99% 1548 100% 1712 (longest request)real 0m5.313suser 0m0.275ssys 0m0.763s </pre>
圖片 21.6 pic
gevent 可以加個隊列,來限製協程的數目,但是數目限製了,雖然穩定了,但是並發數上不去。
from gevent.pool import poolpool = pool(n) </pre>
這裏測試有點簡單,雖然已經安排了連接的堵塞,但是畢竟不符合業務。 有時間把後端的任務改成才 mongodb 取數據 !
本文出自 “峰雲,就她了。” 博客,謝絕轉載!
每個連接都特意堵塞了 0.5 秒鍾!
圖片 21.1 pic
在大批量 tcp 測試下,threading 的開銷越來越大,所以造成了在並發數加大的情況下,出現 threading 崩潰的情況!gevent 是 libevent 和協程的融合,一個線程裏麵都可以跑超多的協程! 利用 libevent 做 io 堵塞的調度,gevent 體係下,同一時間隻有一個任務在運行!
先來測試下多線程: 我們就不加線程池了
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #xiaoruiimport sysimport socketimport timeimport threading #xiaoruidef threads(port): s = socket.socket s.bind((\''\'', port)) s.listen(500) while true:cli, addr = s.eptt = threading.thread(target=handle_request, args=(cli, time.sleep))t.daemon = truet.startdef handle_request(s, sleep): try:s.recv(1024)sleep(0.5) s.send(\''\''\''http/1.0 200 ok hello world! \''\''\'')s.shutdown(socket.shut_wr)print \''.\'', except exception, ex:print ex finally:sys.stdout.flushs.closeif __name__ == \''__main__\'': threads(4444) </pre>
用 threading 跑 socket,每個連接堵塞的時間是 0.5
time ab -n 10000 -c 500 is apachebench, version 2.3 <$revision: 655654 $>copyright 1996 adam twiss, zeus technology ltd, http://.zeustech/licensed to the apache software foundation, http://.apache.org/benchmarking (be patientpleted 1000 requestpleted 2000 requestpleted 3000 requestpleted 4000 requestpleted 5000 requestpleted 6000 requestpleted 7000 requestpleted 8000 requestpleted 9000 requestpleted 10000 requestsfinished 10000 requestsserver software:server hostname: port: 4444document path: /document length:0 bytesconcurrency level: 500time taken for tests: 11.123 secondplete requests: 10000failed requests:0write errors: 0total transferred: 470000 byteshtml transferred: 0 bytesrequests per second: 899.01 [#/sec] (mean)time per request: 556.166 [ms] (mean)time per request: 1.112 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)transfer rate: 41.26 [kbytes/sec] receivedconnection times (ms) min mean[+/-sd] median maxconnect:0 33 177.0 0 1000processing: 500 508 33.9 501 1132waiting: 500 508 33.9 501 1132total:500 541 201.8 501 2132percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 50% 501 66% 501 75% 502 80% 505 90% 522 95% 532 98% 1534 99% 1722 100% 2132 (longest request)real 0m11.145suser 0m0.210ssys 0m0.961s </pre>
圖片 21.2 pic
加到 800 的時候~
圖片 21.3 pic
#xiaoruiimport sysimport socketimport timeimport geventfrom gevent import socketdef server(port): s = socket.socket s.bind((\''\'', port)) s.listen(500) while true:cli, addr = s.eptgevent.spawn(handle_request, cli, gevent.sleep)def handle_request(s, sleep): try:data=s.recv(1024)sleep(0.5)s.send(\''\''\''http/1.0 200 ok hello world! this is xiaorui !!!\''\''\'')print datarequest_string = "get %s http/1.1rnhost: %srnrnserver: xiaoruin" %(\''index.html\'', \''\'') s.send(request_string)s.shutdown(socket.shut_wr)print \''.\'',‘be killed’ except exception, ex:print ex finally:s.closeif __name__ == \''__main__\'': server(7777) </pre>
gevent 跑 socket 服務:
並發數值是 500 的時候!
time ab -n 10000 -c 500 is apachebench, version 2.3 <$revision: 655654 $>copyright 1996 adam twiss, zeus technology ltd, http://.zeustech/licensed to the apache software foundation, http://.apache.org/benchmarking (be patientpleted 1000 requestpleted 2000 requestpleted 3000 requestpleted 4000 requestpleted 5000 requestpleted 6000 requestpleted 7000 requestpleted 8000 requestpleted 9000 requestpleted 10000 requestsfinished 10000 requestsserver software:server hostname: port: 7777document path: /document length:0 bytesconcurrency level: 500time taken for tests: 11.312 secondplete requests: 10000failed requests:0write errors: 0total transferred: 20000 byteshtml transferred: 0 bytesrequests per second: 884.04 [#/sec] (mean)time per request: 565.584 [ms] (mean)time per request: 1.131 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)transfer rate: 1.73 [kbytes/sec] receivedconnection times (ms) min mean[+/-sd] median maxconnect:0 44 202.7 0 1001processing: 500 513 10.1 511 707waiting: 500 513 10.1 511 707total:500 557 204.1 512 1525percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 50% 512 66% 515 75% 517 80% 519 90% 531 95% 552 98% 1521 99% 1523 100% 1525 (longest request)real 0m11.334suser 0m0.159ssys 0m0.730s </pre>
圖片 21.4 pic
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並發是 1000 的時候:
time ab -n 10000 -c 1000 is apachebench, version 2.3 <$revision: 655654 $>copyright 1996 adam twiss, zeus technology ltd, http://.zeustech/licensed to the apache software foundation, http://.apache.org/benchmarking (be patientpleted 1000 requestpleted 2000 requestpleted 3000 requestpleted 4000 requestpleted 5000 requestpleted 6000 requestpleted 7000 requestpleted 8000 requestpleted 9000 requestpleted 10000 requestsfinished 10000 requestsserver software:server hostname: port: 7777document path: /document length:0 bytesconcurrency level: 1000time taken for tests: 7.406 secondplete requests: 10000failed requests:0write errors: 0total transferred: 20000 byteshtml transferred: 0 bytesrequests per second: 1350.22 [#/sec] (mean)time per request: 740.623 [ms] (mean)time per request: 0.741 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)transfer rate: 2.64 [kbytes/sec] receivedconnection times (ms) min mean[+/-sd] median maxconnect:0 175 491.7 0 3000processing: 500 520 17.7 515 707waiting: 500 520 17.7 515 707total:500 695 492.5 517 3521percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 50% 517 66% 523 75% 538 80% 569 90% 1515 95% 1530 98% 1539 99% 3514 100% 3521 (longest request)real 0m7.428suser 0m0.208ssys 0m0.741s </pre>
當並發到 1500 的時候:
time ab -n 10000 -c 1500 is apachebench, version 2.3 <$revision: 655654 $>copyright 1996 adam twiss, zeus technology ltd, http://.zeustech/licensed to the apache software foundation, http://.apache.org/benchmarking (be patientpleted 1000 requestpleted 2000 requestpleted 3000 requestpleted 4000 requestpleted 5000 requestpleted 6000 requestpleted 7000 requestpleted 8000 requestpleted 9000 requestpleted 10000 requestsfinished 10000 requestsserver software:server hostname: port: 7777document path: /document length:0 bytesconcurrency level: 1500time taken for tests: 5.290 secondplete requests: 10000failed requests:0write errors: 0total transferred: 20000 byteshtml transferred: 0 bytesrequests per second: 1890.27 [#/sec] (mean)time per request: 793.536 [ms] (mean)time per request: 0.529 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)transfer rate: 3.69 [kbytes/sec] receivedconnection times (ms) min mean[+/-sd] median maxconnect:0 214 404.9 1 1003processing: 500 522 23.0 514 716waiting: 500 522 23.0 514 716total:500 736 406.7 520 1712percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 50% 520 66% 558 75% 602 80% 1506 90% 1526 95% 1531 98% 1535 99% 1548 100% 1712 (longest request)real 0m5.313suser 0m0.275ssys 0m0.763s </pre>
圖片 21.6 pic
gevent 可以加個隊列,來限製協程的數目,但是數目限製了,雖然穩定了,但是並發數上不去。
from gevent.pool import poolpool = pool(n) </pre>
這裏測試有點簡單,雖然已經安排了連接的堵塞,但是畢竟不符合業務。 有時間把後端的任務改成才 mongodb 取數據 !
本文出自 “峰雲,就她了。” 博客,謝絕轉載!