在這裏,我把本研究中用到的許多關鍵書目、文章及資源的名稱歸納在一起,以便你自己開始研究當今的人工智能、積極心理學及價值觀問題。你也可以訪問網站heartificial intelligence或johnchavens,獲取本部分pdf格式文檔的點擊鏈接。



    請注意:雖然這些資源大部分均在本書中有所提及,但還有一些沒有出現在書裏。    <h4>書(小說)</h4>

    bradbury, ray. the illustrated man.

    dick, philip k. do androids dream of electric sheep?

    hutchins, scott. a working theory of love.  <h4>書(人工智能)</h4>

    barrat, james. our final invention: artificial intelligence and the end of the human era.

    brain, marshall. the second intelligent species: how humans will be as irrelevant as cockroaches.

    dufty, david f. how to build an android: the true story of philip k. dick’s robotic resurrection.

    ford, martin. a light in the tunnel.

    ford, martin. rise of the robots.

    neilson, stan. robot nation: surviving the greatest socio- economic upheaval of all time.

    rothtt, martine. virtually human: the promise and the peril of digital immortality.

    singer, p. w. wired for war.

    weaver, john frank. robots are people too.  <h4>書(社會學/積極心理學)</h4>

    csikszentmihalyi, mihaly. flow: the psychology of optimal experience.

    klein, stefan. survival of the nicest: how altruism made us human and why it pays to get along.

    mcgonigal, jane. reality is broken.

    tan, chade- meng. search inside yourself.

    turkle, sherry. alone together: why we expect more from technology and less from each other.  <h4>書(經濟學/商業)</h4>

    anielski, mark. the economics of happiness: building genuine wealth.

    haidt, jonathan. the righteous mind: why good people are divided by politics and religion.

    pennd, alex. social physics: how good ideas spread — the lessons from a new science.

    roberts, russ. how adam smith can change your life: an unexpected guide to human nature and happiness.

    sandel, michael j. what money can’t buy: the moral limits of markets.

    schumacher, e. f. small is beautiful: economics as if people mattered.  <h4>文章</h4>

    brain, marshall. “manna.” http://marshallbrain/manna1.htm.

    brain, marshall. “robotic nation.” http://marshallbrain/robotic-nation.htm.

    gelernter, david. “the closing of the scientific mind.” https://mentarymagazine/article/the-closing-of-the-scientific-mind/.

    havens, john c. “artificial intelligence is doomed if we don’t control our data.” http://mashable/2014/09/16/artificial-intelligence-failure/.

    havens, john c. ing to terms with humanity’s inevitable union with machines.” http://mashable/2014/04/11/digital-humanity/.

    havens, john c. “the reason artificial intelligence doesn’t matter.” https:// .linkedin/pulse/20140620190819-109319-the-reason-artificial-ingelligence-doesn-t-matter? trk= mp- reader- card.

    havens, john c. “you should be afraid of artificial intelligence.” http://mashable/2013/08/03/artificial-intelligence-fear/.

    ito, aki. “your job taught to machines puts half u.s. work at risk.” http://.bloomberg/news/articles/2014-03-12/your-job-taught-to-machines-puts-half-u-s-work-at-risk.

    kelly, kevin. “the three breakthroughs that have finally unleashed aion the world.” http://.wired/2014/10/future-of-artificial-intelligence/.

    lin, patrick. “the ethics of autonomous cars.” http:// .theantic/technology/archive/2013/10/the-ethics-of-autonomous-cars/280360/.

    meyer, eric. “inadvertent algorithmic cruelty.” http:// meyerweb/eric/thoughts/2014/12/24/inadvertent-algorithmic-cruelty/.

    naughton, john. “it’s no joke — the robots will really take over this time.” http:// .theguardian/technology/2014/apr/27/no-joke-robots-taking-over-rece-middle-sses-automatons.

    newman, judith. “to siri, with love.” http:// .nytimes/ 2014/ 10/ 19/fashion/ how-apples-siri-became-one-autistic boys-bff.html?_r= 0.

    tovey, n. “ten million jobs at risk from advancing technology.” http://.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/industry/11219688/ten-million-jobs-at-risk-from-advancing-technology.html.

    watson, sara m. “data doppelg?ngers and the uncanny valley of personalization.” http://.theantic/technology/archive/2014/06/data-doppelgangers-and-the-uncanny-valley-of-personalization/372780/. <h4>著名網站/設備/應用</h4>

    avatar secrets. http:// avatarsecrets/.

    foc.us headset. http:// .foc.us/.

    gratitude 365. http:// gratitude365app/.

    happify. http:// .happify/.

    happiness alliance gross national happiness survey. http:// happy counts.org/survey.

    hat (hub-of- all- things). http:// hubofallthings/.

    lifenaut. https://.lifenaut.

    personal. https://.personal.

    robopsych podcast/ newsletter. http:// .robopsych/.

    world well- being project (university of pennsylvania). http:// wwbp.org/.  <h4>機構組織</h4>

    the association for the advancement of artificial intelligence (aaai). http://.aaai.org/ home.html.

    the greater good science center. http:// greatergood.berkeley.edu/ membership.  <h4>白皮書/報告</h4>

    standard in development: bs 8611 robots and robotic devices – guide to the ethical design and application of robots and robotic systems. https:// standardsdevelopment.bsigroup/ home/ project/ 201500218.

    world happiness report. http:// worldhappiness.report/.  <h4>第10章 活動練習</h4><h4>感激</h4>

    ? a問b:“讓你心懷感激的人或事物有哪些?”

    ? b用兩三句話來回答。如,“我感激我的家人,因為……”

    ? a重複b之所以感激的原因:“你感激你的家人,因為……”

    ? a和b互換,重複上述步驟。  <h4>利他主義</h4>

    ? a問b:“你在工作或在家時所想到的、值得與人分享的想法是什麽,為什麽?”

    ? b用三四句話來回答。

    ? a稱讚b,從具體的方麵說出自己覺得該想法有用的原因。

    ? a和b互換,重複上述步驟。  <h4>心流</h4>

    ? a問b:“你上次沉浸在工作或某項活動中,是在什麽時候?”忘記自我就叫作“心流”——正如前麵提到的,是做一件你很拿手的活動時的心理體驗。

    ? b用三四句話來回答。

    ? a問:“在工作或某項活動上多花時間會如何改善你的生活?”

    ? a和b互換,重複上述步驟。  <h4>連接幸福與行動</h4><h4>追蹤前幸福評估</h4>



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