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最新章節:epilogue: rhyme is wonderful spell

更新時間:2023-03-23 12:14

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音韻織成的召喚魔法   人稱校規守護神的古板學生會長音川真一,在他麵前出現了一名麻煩透頂的美少女惡魔瑪米拉達,被她強迫定契約的真一,獲得了某種能力。那就是——

epilogue: rhyme is wonderful spell
track03: final round at the underground
track02: feast after disappear
track01: practice free style
prologue: the third wizard
epilogue: dreamer looked the star
epilogue: rhyme is wonderful spell
track03: final round at the underground
prologue classroom crisis
track01 hip-hop high school
瑪米拉達的快樂嘻哈講座第1回「free style」是什~~麽呢?
track02 imago down,break dowm
track03 princess produce
瑪米拉達的歡樂嘻哈講座第3回「check it out」和「put your hands up」是~~什麽呢?
track04 uriel guitar,miracle sister
track05 satanic mic,mystic live
epiiogue busta lyricers is my man
prologue: illegal b-girl
prologue: the third wizard
track01: practice free style
track02: feast after disappear
track03: final round at the underground
epilogue: rhyme is wonderful spell
epilogue: dreamer looked the star
prologue: the third wizard
track01: practice free style
track02: feast after disappear
track03: final round at the underground
epilogue: rhyme is wonderful spell
